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Guess How Much I Love You from Around the World

19 June 2015

Candlewick is celebrating Father’s Day this year with Guess How Much I Love You to celebrate its 20th anniversary. We've partnered with United Through Reading, a longstanding nonprofit organization with a worthy mission: to unite military families separated by distance by facilitating the bonding experience of reading aloud together.

UTR offers service members the opportunity to be video-recorded reading books, to be viewed by their families at home, at more than 200 recording stations across the world – on ships, in tents in Afghanistan, on military bases, and at USO centers.

To help spread word of UTR’s ongoing initiatives and the book’s comforting message, Candlewick and UTR have created a video clip featuring several military personnel reading Guess How Much I Love You to their children or grandchildren. 

You can view the video here

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